2 - 5 MW landowner and community owned
solar farms

Fast Track Investment Program

{{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}}

Solar Farms in {{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}}​ can now be owned by landowners and the local community.

Our 2 – 5 MW Fast Track Landowner and Community owned solar farm development program is for community members and landowners of {{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}}.

Our primary goal is to bring power, profits, and jobs back to the people who live and work in their communities. After carefully analyzing Federal Energy Regulation Committee guidelines, Solarcollab has identified a low cost, fast track model to develop, fund and build 2 – 5 MW solar farms across {{mpg_county_name}} county, {{mpg_state_name}}.

Why only only 2  – 5 MW? 

Primarily because we can get them constructed and interconnected to the grid in record time, at minimal cost, and with fewer regulatory requirements.

This solar energy investment program is completely unique… a first of its kind, developed by Solarcollab.  The program is designed to allow landowners to earn income from leasing their land AND to also participate in the OWNERSHIP of the solar farm.

We are able to apply for rural grants that reduces the total cost of each solar farm… and we  raise the money for each solar project on the Solarcollab Crowndfunding Investment Platform, selling shares of the Solar Power Plant to members of the local community. This is the first program of its kind that is designed to redistribute the profits of the venture back to the people where each solar project is located by crowdselling shares of ownership for each solar farm.

Four Easy Steps To Develop A Community Solar Farm
in {{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}}

What makes a good Solar Farm site location?

Solarcollab’s Fast Track Landowner and Community Owned Solar Farm program in {{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}} leverages Fintech protocols on the blockchain that allows us to be able to develop these solar projects in a low cost model so that we can offer equity shares of the solar project to the landowner and local community. Profits that would normally go to a large corporation are now redirected back to the landowner and local community. Check to see if your land meets the following criteria:

We are Democratizing Solar Farm Ownership!

Solarcollab raises the funds for your community solar farm on our crowd investment platform. For as little as $1 a share members of the local community can now actually buy stock in their community solar farm. The profits that the solar farm earns will be sent to their digital wallet on a quarterly basis.

Host A Solar Farm Application Form

Complete every field in this form and we will start the process to see if we can bring a community owned solar farm to your local area. Every field in the form needs to be filled in for us to be able to begin our evaluation process to see if your land qualifies for our community solar development program.

Questions and Answers Zoom Group Call

Register for our next questions and answer zoom conference call. One of solar project managers will be available to answer any questions you might have about our Landowner and Community Owned Solar Farm Development Program for {{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}}​.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most common questions we receive about our 2 - 5 MW Fast Track Landowner and Community owned solar farm impact investment program for {{mpg_city}}, {{mpg_state_name}}​.


There are two ways a landowner can earn money.

The traditional way is to lease the land to a solar project developer.  In the USA, on average, a landowner earns between $400 - $1200 per year per acre depending on supply and demand and the geographical location. The national average is about ~$800 per year per acre.

There is a second way that a landowner can earn money.  This way is what we call democratizing solar power farm ownership.  Solarcollab has designed a digital peer to peer investment platform enabled by blockchain architecture and emerging Fintech protocols to drive the costs down along targeted points of the solar project value chain. Our fintech protocols,  along with registering our solar energy project portfolios with the US securities and exchange commission will allow us to sell shares of the community solar project  to the general public.

Large scale solar projects, such as community solar and investor-owned solar systems on rural land, have expanded rapidly throughout the U.S. A solar land leases provide guaranteed lease payments to the landowner for the duration of the solar farm life while the land continues to appreciate. This is an excellent way to generate additional income on a piece of land while keeping the property in the family for the next generation.  Typical land leases terms range for 10 - 25 years.

The actual construction of the solar farm doesn't take that long to complete.  Especially with our fast track community solar farm model where we develop 2 MW solar farms in short amount of time.  Apply for construction permits, and arranging for the local utility purchase contract of the solar electricity is what can add to the timeline of the solar farm development process.  Typically we the entire solar farm development process can take as little as six months and as long as three years. On average our community solar farm development process will take approximately 12 - 18 months. 

The ideal land profile to host a sola farm should meet the following criteria:

  • You need at least 10 - 14 acres of cleared unobstructed land.
  • Your Land should be within two miles of a utility sub-station.
  • Land should be flat with less than 5 degrees of slope.
  • Your land should be clear of any ponds, streams or creeks
  • Your land should have no environmental zoning restrictions.

The entire process starts with filling out the "Host A Solar Farm Application Form" on this webpage.  If you have any questions, register for our next Video Zoom Question and Answer session.


Solarcollab has designed a digital peer to peer investment platform enabled by blockchain architecture and emerging Fintech protocols to drives our cost down along the entire solar energy development value chain. Each solar energy project that is presented on the Solarcollab Investment Platform will eventually be registered with the US Securities and Exchange commission.

In general, the term crowdfunding refers to any online-based, collective investment by multiple people (i.e. the crowd) in one specific project. Such projects can pursue a wide variety of goals: from the production of a music album, to the establishment of a company, or even the modernisation of outdated, inefficient heating systems. Project owners present their projects on an online platform using detailed descriptions, images and videos in order to solicit financial support from the general public. Individuals may allocate money to any project they wish to finance. Thus, only those ideas that were convincing and inspiring will be realised. Investors need neither know one another nor possess large amounts of capital. What connects individuals is the shared desire to achieve a specific goal.

Our crowdfunding campaigns always start with a solar energy project that needs to be funded. Naturally, developing and constructing a solar farm requires significant capital. Solar project developers are now able to use new financial technology protocols such as the Solarcollab crowdfunding platform to raise funds in an easy low cost way to fund their solar farm projects. Individuals financially support the presented projects  by investing a sum of their choosing. Investments for as little as $500 are possible to be invested in each solar farm project.

Projects are only successful once a certain funding threshold is reached. If not, the invested money is returned to the investor.  Using the platform is free of charge for the investors. Platforms usually charge a 5-12% of the funding sum as a fee, which is payable by the project owners.

Crowdfunding combines financing with positive publicity. On the one hand, it is an alternative or additional method of financing (when combined with bank loans, business angels, government subsidies and so on). By facing fewer bureaucratic obstacles, the project funding and development phase is significantly decreased in length. On the other hand, the crowd is a great multiplying factor in terms of public communication. The advertised project gains quick, widespread and sometimes even viral awareness, especially through the use of social media. Moreover, the feedback provided by the crowd has a different quality to that of a bank, because each investor has a stake in the success of the project. Furthermore, through crowdfunding the project owner builds up a customer base or can engage existing customers.

Within the crowdfunding market there are several different types of crowdfunding. The models can be distinguished as follows:

Equity based crowdfunding: the investor acquires shares in the project and benefits from its future revenues. (This type is often referred to as a crowd-investing). The actual financial transaction occurs via participation right (equity) or a subordinated loan (debt capital), resulting in a contractual relationship between investor and project owner.

Lending-based crowdfunding: investors offer the project initiator a loan, either with or without interest. Depending on the loan, this type can overlap with equity based crowd funding.

Reward-based crowdfunding: investors are not reimbursed for their investment. The investor receives token of appreciation in the form of a certificate or detailed description of the project’s development. For film and music projects, possible rewards include a small role or even a private concert for investors.

Donation-based crowdfunding: investors make donations towards a specific project. As a counterpart to traditional charity organisations, this model bypasses high administration costs and represents are more transparent and direct channel through which to donate money.

Investors, donors and lenders should always be aware of the risks and disadvantages associated with crowdfunding. With regards to the first two models listed above, there is always a risk of a total loss of the investment. Especially with innovative ideas there exists a high risk of failure and not every project owner is a competent entrepreneur. The huge organisational effort accompanying a crowdfunding campaign should not be underestimated. There is no guarantee for success.

The Solarcollab crowdfunding platform is based on a combination of equity and lending-based crowdfunding. Unlike other platforms which focus solely on start-ups, investors on our platform finance solar projects independent of a company’s increasing revenue or profits.

Solar Farm Zoom Question and Answer Registration


Solarcollab Asia Platform Is Under Development and Being Tested.