Collaboration Enhances Expertise
Our online solar development, funding, and investment platform is setting a new standard in the solar energy economy.
About Solarcollab
Solarcollab Asia develops and raises project funds for solar energy projects comprised of commercial, community, utility, agrisolar, micro-grid and battery storage solar energy systems.
The Solarcollab Investment Platform
Solarcollab carefully sources highly profitable solar energy projects and introduce investors to these stable, high yield opportunities. Each solar energy project offered for investment has will be meticulously vetted and analyzed to maximize yield and minimize risk for our investors.
We list each solar energy project on our investment platform that will allow credited and non-accredited investors to purchases equity interests in single projects and/or portfolios of solar projects. Each share will yield a base 7% per annum for the life of the solar projects. In addition, investors have the opportunity to earn an additional monthly dividend from the positive cash flow generated from each solar project they invest in.
Solarcollab Impact Investment Fund
Impact investing refers to investments and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return. We raise our solar project funds through our Traditional Finance methods along with DeFi, ClimaFi, PhilFi (Philanthropy Financing through our Nonprofit Orgranization; By implementing advanced financial technology (Fintech) protocols that lowers our costs and maximizes profits for our stakeholders we are bringing solar energy project financing into the new digital age.
Solarcollab Solar Partner Network
Our Development, Engineering, (equipment) Procurement, Construction, Operations and Maintenance (DEPCOM) network of solar partners is the keystone to the SolarCollab ecosystem. With over 700 local, state, regional and international solar DEPCOM companies available and an additional 41 solar equipment suppliers, SolarCollab has the experienced network of solar professionals to develop and raise the funds for your solar energy project.